2010年12月19日 星期日

SUMMARY & RESPONSE-The Decline of Neatness


In The Decline of Neatness, Norman Cousins claims that a sloppiness virus has spread to all sectors of society. He mentions four sorts of trouble in the unkempt generation, including bad dress, bad manners, bad speech, and bad human relationship. An example is about blue jeans, people discarded crisply clean and new blue jeans. Instead, they like blue jeans in good condition but jeans that are frayed, torn, discolored. They regard an appearance of alienation as the triumphant goal, and pursued something fashionable what they like. Norman Cousins claims that sloppy speech is so common today. People communicate in chopped-up phrases and rarely use complete sentences. In people’s communication, it’s impossible without four-letter words. “The effect is to foster attitudes of casualness toward violence and brutality not just in entertainment but in everyday life” Cousins claims those violence and brutality in movies and television would affect our children. We lack the ability to react and this “desensitizing” to our children won’t be outgrown. Norman Cousins thinks that our clothing, speech, and emotions affect our human relationship, as the casual attitude toward sex in films. The problem with the casual sex in films would cause some danger. “The danger is not the sexual exploitation will create sex fiends but that it may spawn eunuchs.” Norman Cousins said. In he finally opinion, Norman Cousins does not want to return to Victorian decorum, but he suggests that those people who design fashion and produce television may discover that the forms they showed would affect audience. He hopes schools will encourage students pursue “genuine creativity” and put the best in themselves and work.


After reading the article, Norman Cousins tells us “disheveled is in fashion; neatness is obsolete.” I don’t know why there are many young people like to dress up themselves like uncombed or unshaved. They think this type is in fashion. But I think it looks just like a vagrant. For me, I don’t like to dress up myself as a vagrant, I like something neatness because it will let me feel more comfortable. So I don’t think oversize sweaters and muddy sneakers are attractive. Most young people like to follow their idols’ styles, but are they suitable for everyone? I don’t think so. Comfortable and suitable clothes maybe is the best choice. You can dress them with your own style, not always pursue other people’s type of clothes. It will let you look more beautiful and confident.

I find that there are many young people having some four-letter words in their communication. Maybe they are affected from television or films. Many films and television programs in our society having violence and sex, if children accepted those bad message, it would result them having deviation behavior. Deviation behavior is connected to human relationship, people have those bad behaviors would effect their mind. It’s the most important issue to those television producers, isn’t it? In my opinion, solving the problem and let children free from bad image is the most necessary.

5 則留言:

  1. After reading your article, I find some advantages and disadvantages in it. First, you list author’s ideas in a sentence which is clear to reach the point. Second, you objectively express what the author expresses almost the whole summary except the sentence which starts with “We”. Here are my suggestions for you: try to divide your essay into few paragraphs which would be clear for readers. Besides, you can combine similar or related ideas into the same sentences. For your response, please check some of the syntactical functions which help to determine a part of speech. Also, combine two of the sentences with same ideas with a comma instead of using a conjunction word in the beginning of the sentence.

  2. I totally agree with your ideas in your reflection. Maybe fashion is a trend for many young people. However, they don't think thoroughly about whether they are appropriate with the fashion or not. On the contrary, they follow the fashion blindly. They don't know that they are actually not so suitable in some fashion. It's an incorrect way of following fashion. Actually, following fashion does not necessarily mean you have to blindly follow each up coming trend.

    For instance, you may buy some clothes of the fashion trend. However, your body shape or face is not proper for it. Why not just buy suitable clothes for yourself? We all need to learn how to choose right fashion for ourselves instead of following fashion blindly. You only need to know your weaknesses and your strengths so that you can carry off the trend you adopt.

    Have you seen how the most famous celebrities are usually quite simple and elegant in their appearance? Because they know their strengths of their body, they choose appropriate accessories and clothes for themselves. All in all, just learn how to get to know your personality and body structure first, and then think of taking up any trends. In that way, we can also create right fashion.

  3. People have absorbed plethora of junk information, also, misleading by it. I am astonished for one day I am on the way to my dorm, I witness a kindergarten-student-like child say four-letter word to “her” playmate. “What the hell going with nowadays children?” that question mark evoked from my mind.
    And I try to analyze what is the motivation made the adorable children to speak four word letters aloud? The only answer I could figure out is if she does so, other people will surprised, which make her misunderstand as “cool”, “brave” that kind of naïve words. In order to win worship from her peer, she speak it our aloud. Why I know about it? Because I had same experience, I said it to my sister I did not win hers worship but my mom’s stick… At the moment, my mom play a devil-like angel teaches me a lesson through my ass hurt. My experience told me that: parent should make the correction for the child at the first moment
