2010年12月16日 星期四

Summary and Response: Ordinary People Produce Extraordinary Results


Paul Rogat Loeb presents a new conception of heroic figures. He once were on the same show with Rosa Parks who refuse to give in the front seat to a white person, and He turned out to find Rosa doesn’t emerges out all at once; she had spent twelve years helping leading local NCCAP chapter and attending several courses. Specifically, she has been a member of a certain movement when achievement was still untouchable.

Paul said her critical step participating in the movement by refusing go to the back of the bus fits into the feature of fabled movement. Yet the conventional retelling usually enhances the standard that seems too far to reach; suggesting heroes bobs up alone to take vital actions. He said the belief has permeated through the whole society, partly attributes to media’s selectively report of a certain historic event. Furthermore, publics consider most people’s action as futile efforts or insufficient ability. An activist from Atlanta said this phenomenon hurt their scarifies.

Lastly, Paul concludes that people are misled to public myth that neglects the positive encouragement Parks brings with. She was at first hesitant, gradually become confidence, and last sparkling on the stage. Therefore, he urges people to struggle for success despite uncertainties and doubts are waiting ahead.


When it comes to famous historic event, many people could first come up with the most well-known great man. Rarely do they know others who also play a role in the event. Additionally, people sometimes exaggerate these huge figures’ virtue, forgetting that they also pay some expense; making normal people feel these great dedicators are too extraordinary that seems impossible to keep pace with.

Actually, most of people always merely look upon on their achievement rather than consider about their background. Some people praise for giant’s terrific achievement while disincentive to other’s diligent works. I think this thought submerge many contributors’ capability, even frustrate people who have spent long time endeavor to help the society. I remember once a teacher taught me a philosophy of life when I was at junior high: “Do as possible as you can, and fear not about others. No matter how other depreciate your efforts, go persistently and you will find a stage that belongs to you.” This inspiration is correspond to Paul’s article. Just as he wants to convey, the significant story behind every somebody can bring people more power instead of blindly worshipping. Success doesn’t come out of thin air; it is a process of many efforts and decisions.

Sometimes we hesitate; don’t know how to do in the next step. Sometimes we frustrated; don’t have any energy to go forward. However, these challenges are inevitable. Although we may not achieve something as astonishing as great man has done, we must never forget that they were doing their best in the past. What really precious is the force to get through quagmire. They did affect the society, or the world; likewise, we can also do something to benefit our society. Ultimately, one should also recognize others’ efforts that are behind the stage, for they help great man push something through without receiving any feedback.

1 則留言:

  1. I have to say I have the same feeling as you. Most of people do not know how the famous people have put their energy on at all, and they just feel envy for what they own. However, the famous people have put very much for themselves definitely. Just like Rosa Parks, most of people know her because “she was the woman who wouldn’t go to the back of the bus.” But the reason why she has the motivation to do that thing is she had lead the NAACP chapter about 12 years, and she had attended a 10-day training session. She is not born to be at all. Because of those experiences, she gets knowledge to defeat unfair thing at that time. That is to say, God helps those who help themselves and success is not an accident.
    Just like what you said, “Although we may not achieve something as astonishing as great man has done, we must never forget that they were doing their best in the past.” All we need to concentrate on is not what great people have done, is what they did to achieve goal. Every great people are ordinary in the beginning, so it means everyone has chance to become famous. You and me can also change this world.
